COVOC Valentine’s Run.
On a beautiful dry spring morning the guys & gals assembled in Tiernan’s Bar in Wilkinstown for tea, coffee, bikkies & buns. All in all a super turnout with 35 cars in attendance. Wonderful to see some old friends back in the fold after our forced COVID hiatus of recent years.
Suitably fed, watered and de-watered and all caught up we kicked the tyres and lit the fires and set forth in convoy for Carrickmacross via Nobber and Kingscourt. On arrival at the Shirley Arms Hotel we parked up in our designated parking area. A short ramble to our pre reserved dining area where all 61 peeps enjoyed a tasty buffet meal.
Once again fully fortified we meandered downstairs to a private room where fun & games ensued with plenty of spot prizes, jokes and even some charades.
Once again a huge vote of thanks to Ollie, Margaret, Enda & Josephine for their tireless efforts in organising a wonderful event