Well it’s that time of the year again, the May bank holiday weekend and time for the, COVOC’s annual Norman Pratt Memorial Run. 82 cars and 156 enthusiasts from within COVOC and from neighbouring clubs gathered on a damp and overcast Sunday. Having completed registration, attached rally plates and partaking of teas, coffees and no doubt breakfast for some, we departed. Routing initially to Multyfarnham Friary and its glorious gardens where we had a short break to allow our outriders and marshals to head off to their various locations to assist with traffic control thereby keeping our convoy pretty much together and on route. On leaving Multyfarnham with the cloud base lifting and the sun beginning to make an appearance, albeit with the occasional rain shower, we meandered through Coole and Abbeylara and on to our refreshment stop at the Crover House Hotel. Here with the compliments of the COVOC we enjoyed tea, coffee and sandwiches and an opportunity for a good old chat and catch up with old friends and also the opportunity to make some new friends. Suitably watered and fed at 14:30 and after a Drone group photo, we rolled once again and set forth back to the Park Hotel via a most pleasant and scenic route taking us through Mount Nugent, Oldcastle, Drumone, Collinstown, Crookedwood and Knockdrin. All safely back at the hotel we sat down to our traditional meal, awards presentation and charity raffle. A Wonderful day was had by all and a big thank you to our sponsors Frank Pratt &Sons, HVSMLtd, the Committee The Judges, the spot prize donors and all who assisted with the organisation of this event on the day. We raised 864 euro for Meath Hospice in the raffle. Hopefully we’ll see you all again next year after what was one of our best Norman Pratt Runs